September 2011
1. The Association will be called ‘Feis Dhún Geanainn’.
2. The following are the objects of the Association:
(a) to promote and encourage, among all sections of the community, a love for, and cultivation of, music, including Irish traditional music, the Irish language, Irish dancing, speech and drama, and any other cultural area as decided by the Executive committee.
(b) to hold an annual feis consisting of competitions and such other cultural events as the AGM decides. (c) to participate in and support events which are in keeping with the aims outlined at 2 (a).
3. Membership of the association will be granted to all persons who wish to belong to it, and who confirm this by attendance at meetings, including the AGM.
4. The AGM will be held before the end of the calendar year in which the feis is held.
5. At least 7 days notice will be given to all members before the AGM. Notification may be by public advertisement, by letter or by phone, whichever is deemed most suitable.
6. An extraordinary general meeting may be called for by the general secretary at any time, with the consent of the chairperson. Such a meeting will be convened within 14 days.
7. There will be a Feis President, and any Vice-Presidents as agreed by the AGM, who will have the right to be present at the meetings of the Executive Committee.
8. There will be an Executive Committee of the Association. This committee will deal with all areas not dealt with by the AGM, and will be responsible for the organisation and running of the annual feis. The Executive Committee will consist of:
(a) a chairperson
(b) a general secretary
(c) a treasurer
(d) an assistant treasurer
(e) a minutes secretary
(f) a trophy secretary
(g) section secretaries, one each for Irish Language, Music, Traditional Music, Irish Dancing, Speech and Drama and any other category the AGM may decide to include.
(h) any other officers as agreed by the AGM.
(i) not more than 25 members, of whom a minimum of 11 will be elected at the AGM. The Executive Committee will have the power to co-opt other members, as deemed necessary, up to a total of 25.
(j) All office bearers will be elected at AGM.
9. The Executive Committee, of which six members, including at least two of those listed at 8, will form a quorum, will meet a minimum of four times a year. Any member who is absent for three consecutive meetings will cease to be a member, unless an acceptable reason has been forwarded to the committee.
10. The Executive Committee will have the authority to constitute any sub-committees deemed relevant to the organisation of the annual feis. The Executive Committee will have absolute authority on all matters pertaining to the annual feis, including questions regarding competition entries.
11. Association money will not be expended except on the furtherance of objectives at 2 above. 12. This constitution may be amended only by an AGM.